I heard about This Long Thread: Women of Color on Craft, Community, and Connection late last year and have been looking for it at quilt shops ever since we hit the road, but it wasn’t until I got the opportunity to visit Gather Here in Cambridge, Mass. that I finally found it. (They also have Jen’s Print, Pattern, Sew book!)
This Long Thread is the compilation of survey responses and essays from women of color about a variety of topics–some I can totally relate to and others that are a brand new perspective for me. The book is broken down into sections relating to the politics and history of crafting, the business and teaching side of it, the personal why of crafting and more. Each provides insight by women of a variety of backgrounds, ethnicities and professions.
The way the book is divided up makes it a great road trip read since chapters aren’t long and are self-contained (though they flow from one to another beautifully).
If you’re interested in hearing more from Jen Hewett directly, both about this book and her other pursuits (including a new collection with Ruby Star Society!), check out these podcasts:
The Lisa Congdon Sessions
On Taking Small Actions and Exercising Boundaries with Jen Hewett
Seamwork Radio
This Long Thread with Jen Hewett
Beyond the Studio – A Podcast for Artists
Jen Hewett talks Pivoting Your Business, Staying Small and Sustainable, and Setting Boundaries
Check it out and give her book a read, even if, like me, you don’t find yourself in the target audience. There’s a lot to learn from listening to others’ perspectives and this book is just one of many ways to expand your understanding of the world of craft and how it affects all of us.
Happy reading,

Thank you for the reading/podcast recommendation. Safe travels back home. Ordered the book and looking forward to reading!