When the doorbell rang this morning, I thought it was the GuyFriend’s daughter returning from a sleepover so I strolled down the stairs and opened the door, still in my pajama bottoms and a tee. It, of course with my luck, was not his 10-year-old daughter, but the neighborhood mailman with packages in tow.
He had two packages for me, one from Ontario, Canada and the other from Singapore! Yi Farn sent me two dresses and three reversible messenger bags–absolutely adorable. And I love that they can be flipped inside out, depending on which the kid prefers.
Gaby send a half dozen messenger bags made from old jeans that she sewed up, Super cute, especially with the little embroideries that she did on the flaps. I’m astonished that not only did she send the bags, she also threw in a stack of diapers. So cool.
And that tops off the dresses and shorts that showed up at my work a few days ago from Ruth. She lives locally and we’d planned to meet up early, before work. This week’s been a bit crazier than most and I missed her (instead of being at working, I was pushing the GuyFriend in his new wheelchair–thanks to to an unset broken leg).
I really can’t express how blown away I am by all the help everyone’s given me in making this little dream come true. It’s even more necessary now that I found out there won’t be orphanage volunteers in Tam Ky anymore. Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Really.
I’m looking forward to participating. I’ve ent you an email in order to get the mailing address. We are working hard at my church!