Can you believe it’s September already?! This summer has just flown by but I’m super happy to report that the sun is still shining here in Portland. We had one cloudy day last week, but it’s back to blue skies, sunshine and supposedly into the 90s again this weekend!
I may be one of the few Portlanders who actually love the forecast of continued heat. Blame a year in California with sunshine every.single.day.
September means things start changing and the daughter goes back to school. We’ll get back to a routine of work/school days with homework and weekends for fun. I’ll be teaching again and I’m thrilled. Plus I have a few consulting gigs starting this month and the pincushions and pillows are coming right along.
Then there are all these projects on this month’s to-do list:
- Kell’s quilt
- Laura’s quilt
- Natalie’s quilt
- Luke‘s quilt
- Negroni shirt for class prep
- Rae skirt for class prep
- Sail repair for Eric
- Plaid cape for myself
- Wool coat for my son
I’ve got Kell’s quilt started and Luke’s is cut out. So are both the garments for class. At least there is a bit of a jumpstart, but this could very well take all of September if I’m not careful with my time. So I’m up early again today, did some yoga and now it’s down to the studio to get cracking on that list. Welcome to September.