Our little trio is growing up. Four years since the picture in our banner was taken, the kids have grown taller and wiser and this past weekend we celebrated the culmination of a dozen years of public school for Stuart at his graduation. Yes, indeed, my son–the one and only Stuart–has graduated from high school. I’m still in shock that he’s really this old; how old does that make me?
We’ve made it through all those years as a trio, something I hadn’t really thought about until putting his photos together. There were tons of pictures of the kids together and plenty of the three of us. I had only one from all the years with both me and his father plus the kids, a picture from 2003. It really has been just us, on our own, for every year of school for him. Every parent-teacher conference. Every first day and last day of school. Every back-to-school shopping trip. Every field trip and school break. Just me and them.
And to see Stuart’s turned out so well after all those years with just a mom…I couldn’t be prouder. He’s a champ. growing these last two years from the quiet kid in class to the one who takes charge. He led the charge on yearbook, prom, Solstice, winter formal, Outdoor school and was even asked to present the keynote speaker at his graduation.
Graduation was held at Chapman Elementary, like it is every year, because their school doesn’t have an adequate auditorium. Chapman has class and the same colorful motif that their school does, so it feels right. Besides, I love coming here for the Chapman Swifts (if you make it to Portland in the late summer, go see the swifts!)

He had quite the contingency of friends and family, including grandparents from both side, his great aunt, my sister and his father’s brother. My aunt flew up from California just for the occasion.

After the actual event, we headed over to our friend Eric’s house to celebrate with the requisite food, beverage and dessert. We also got the added benefit of some of the cousins being able to meet us there, along with their mom (Stuart’s aunt Gaylynne).

It was a great day of celebrating, but a week later I’m still in awe, still trying to process what this means. Is it now “teresa and kid and adult child”? Not much will change, I suppose, until there’s a drastic shift in the living situation or until fall when he starts college. But it’s still weird to think about. I have a child who is not exactly a child anymore. I think I’ll be processing that part of it on my own blog.