After not getting to bed until after 11 p.m. and having spent the entire day either walking or screaming, we were all exhausted. I couldn’t even bear to wake the kids and let them rouse on their own schedules. By 11 a.m. everyone was awake again.
It was also nearly 100°F outside. Somehow we’ve landed in Sacramento during their first real extended heat wave. Awesome.
So outside fun wasn’t really an option and staying inside with the A/C on and the windows closed is about as boring as it can get on vacation, so we decided to hit the movie theater.
Of course, this sounds like an easy solution to the problem of what to do, but now we had three kids and two adults from three families who had to come to a consensus on which movie looked best. Not an easy task. Inception? Eclipse? Last Airbender? Despicable Me? The Sorcerer’s Apprentice? You name it, someone wanted to see it. The most family friendly of all won and in the afternoon we went to see Pixar’s Despicable Me.
It wasn’t terrible and, in fact, everyone giggled, laughed and chortled their way through it just fine. Not the best of Pixar by far and it left us wondering why the “bad guy” had to have a Russian accent (wasn’t the Cold War over years ago?). There’s a lot to pick apart in it, but the little ones enjoyed it. So did Aunt Diana for that matter. I think maybe I’m just jaded.

The afternoon was spent doing not much of anything. Watching TV. Writing in my journal. Phoning friends. Stuart put together Aunt Diana’s vacuum cleaner and later her pressure washer (that she’s held on to for three years without assembling). Oh and a visit to Walmart. Exciting stuff.

Keep up the good report, we have been watching it with a smile !