Oh my. It’s been a whirlwind and a half these last few months and I feel like I’m barely keeping my head above water. So much has happened over the last few months (and so much is still coming down the pike) that it’s kind of crazy when I think about it.

I got hired at the sewists’ Mecca–Fabric Depot–and three days later went to Market in Houston where I was able to meet up with my ex-sister-in-law and her family after three years apart. I saw some of my favorite people in the industry. I also fell off the sidewalk and twisted my ankle so badly that three months later, it’s still swollen. Best of times, worst of times.
I found out we can’t stay in the house we’d plan to reside in for the next two years as they’ve decided to sell it. I totally understand the reasoning, but will fully admit that it caused quite the breakdown when I first was told. I had no real income source and was looking at having my car repossessed on top of losing the one place we had to call home. There was a hell of a lot of crying there for a bit. But we’ve finally found a place and are moving (again) this next weekend to a tiny little apartment in SE Portland.
I designed and made a quilt with my friend Kell’s wooden block pattern and you can find it in the next issue of Generation Q magazine. I also made a quilt for my best friend, sewed my first Mariner’s Compass block and got around to making up the Noodlehead 241 Tote pattern that I bought way too long ago.

I’m working on patterns to sell, starting with pincushions and moving to clothes. Plus I bit the bullet and finally submitted a book proposal. We’ll see what becomes of it, but at this point I’m just proud of getting the idea out of my head (and secretly hoping so hard it works out!).
2015 is right around the corner and I’m looking forward to being settled with a good job, living in a neighborhood I love (hello, Hawthorne!) and knuckling down to do more pattern-making, teaching and writing. This past year was a doozy, so I’m extra hopeful that this next one is going to be much, much better.
It will be, right?
Fabric Depot is quite the store. I would be concerned that I would spend most of my salary there. So many beautiful fabrics.